Businesses in Ohio are vulnerable to all kinds of natural, social, political, technological, and economic risks. As an entrepreneur, you might not be able to secure your company from all of these risks, but there’s one kind of risk that can be controlled to a great extent: the security risk. Ensuring your business assets, property,
Hospitals are one of the most popular sectors at HSPS Special Operations and Off-Duty Police, and for a good reason: 75% of directors want robust security measures in their hospitals. This might have to do with the idea that feelings of security promote rehabilitation and recovery. Alternatively, this popular opinion might have to do with the
You’ll hardly find a professional security firm that an educational institute hasn’t approached for private security officers, patrols, and tip line services in Cincinnati. Schools and colleges always reach out to HSPS Special Operations and Off-Duty Police to ensure a higher level of on-campus security for the following reasons. Put the Parents at Ease Part of the reason schools request
Private patrol services aren’t usually the first choice. Businesses don’t see it as a necessity because they think they get enough of that from public patrols. They don’t know that it can often be hard to tell between a public and private patrol. The service they believe is protecting their business could be a public service or